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Research of the labor market and overview of wages

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We provide our customers with the most up-to-date and reliable information about the labor market in a short time, taking into account the specifics of the company’s business and the profile of positions. Labor market research and salary overview are useful for companies that need:

  • Assess the competitiveness of salary offers on the market for employees of the company;
  • Effectively and timely make changes to the payroll and compensation packages system
  • Compare the systems used to motivate staff with competitors;
  • To obtain additional information on structures and motivation systems existing in the competitive market;
  • Identify in the market successful specialists “stars” who have the necessary competencies.

Regular collection and analysis of information on the level of wages, systems of material and non-material incentives in companies of a closely related industry profile, provides an opportunity to monitor changes in the labor market, as well as to obtain information necessary to make modern and competitive decisions and to develop effective strategies for business development.

For receiving the necessary information in the study we use the most effective and modern methods of data collection, to be more exact

  • Personal interviewing of employees occupied by the researched posts and working in the companies under study;
  • A survey of HR managers in the companies surveyed;
  • Collecting and processing all available information in open external sources and comparing it with information received from company employees;
  • Obtaining necessary information from confidential sources;

The results of the research are provided in the form of an analytical report and in any other form agreed in advance with the Customer. All the information received is confidential and is placed only in a closed format.

About the cost

The cost of the labor market research service depends on:

  1. Number the researched posts
  2. Position level
  3. Regionalities
  4. The amount of information requested

and is discussed individually with each Customer.

We will be happy to provide you with any additional information for making a positive decision about cooperation.

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